Trenutno pregledavate We bring the first in history Viconošica of the month

We bring the first in history Viconošica of the month

At yesterday’s session of the Trade Union no. 27, with two votes against, 7 abstentions and 32 in favor, was declared the first in the history of Viconoš of the month, more precisely Viconošice. The honor of this title went to our wigmaker Danica, who received this information with great joy. We learn from reliable sources that out of luck she immediately went to rub the title on Pinocchio’s nose. Below we bring the Vic of the Month, and the same will be placed at the gates of the Building as an act of encouraging jokes in our work environment.

Two puppets go through the city;

Puppet 1: “What’s the matter with you, Puppet 2?”

Puppet 2: “Don’t ask anything … I lost my job, Puppet 1”

Puppet 1: “And listen to Puppet 2, that’s how it is when you don’t have good strings in management.”